Sequoiadendron giganteum

Unknown before 1852, some of the tallest and oldest trees in the Calaveras Grove, California date back 1300 years or more.


arbor californiana giganteum 8_[72dpi]

THE STUMP 7,6 meters in diameter, 1244 years old when felled,
Pinhole photograph, gelatin silver print on fiber based paper,  100 x 100 cm.

arbor californiana giganteum 6_[72dpi]

Pinhole photograph, gelatin silver print on fiber based paper, 100 x 100 cm.

arbor californiana giganteum 3_[72dpi]

Pinhole photograph, gelatin silver print on fiber based paper,  100 x 100 cm.

arbor californiana giganteum 7_[72dpi]

Pinhole photograph, gelatin silver print on fiber based paper,  100 x 100 cm.

arbor californiana giganteum 5_[72dpi]

PALACE TREE, alive but burned in fire 1908.
Pinhole photograph, gelatin silver print on fiber based paper,  100 x 100 cm.

Copyright Betsy Green 2025

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