Sequoia Sempervirens


If we persist in defining nature as something outside of ourselves, as wilderness, then we fail to address the real source of our current problems. We run the risk of continuing to treat it as either a tool or an enemy, something to control or conquer.



Coast Redwood 2008, 13 x 18 cm color negative sheet film, analog chromogenic print, 100 x 140 cm.


Coast Redwood 2008, 13 x 18 cm color negative sheet film, analog chromogenic print, 100 x 140 cm.


Coast Redwood 2008, 13 x 18 cm color negative sheet film, analog chromogenic print, 13 x 18 cm.


Coast Redwood, 2019. 4 x 5 inch color negative sheet film, analog chromogenic print, 28 x 35 cm.

Betsy Green_2 _Am_Sub_[72dpi]_8-bits

ON FIRE, Coast Redwood, 2020. Digital print on Hahnemühle photo paper from a 4 x 5 inch color negative. 80 x 100 cm.

Copyright Betsy Green 2025

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